Canadian National Skeleton Team; Community Leader

The Journey

Wow! I still can't even believe it has been a few weeks since I raced in Calgary and made two top 6s. It's so surreal still, but it has been evident in my sliding since that those few weeks of racing have been a huge breakthrough for me and my sliding ability. 

We hosted our first Alberta Skeleton Cup of the year yesterday in Calgary and it was amazing to see all of our new recruits, with just a couple of weeks of sliding, participating in their first race. It really brought a moment of reflection on how far I've come. I was the only "pro" (competed in an FIBT race) that was racing from the girls, but I was in no way a shoe-in to win gold. As I've learned, nothing is secure in skeleton. I pushed out of my head all the bad things that could happen and just went for it, executing close to the best of my ability. Low and behold, last off the line, I crossed the line with a "1" on the clock. While it is just an ASA cup, and not an FIBT race, it is still my first race win EVER! 

59.06 - 118.63 km/hr. Two new goals achieved at the Calgary track.  

Yes, I did end up winning, but I hope I brought a moment of reflection to the other athletes as well. This brought me to more reflection about how freaking cool my life is! I'm currently at the airport on my way to Whistler (via Vancouver) to train, and just thinking that sliding has given me so much in life, and it's only year 3 of my journey! I always was set on the goal, but I don't want to forget how amazing the road is on the way to the goal. 

This is by far the most incredible journey I could've chosen for myself, but it also challenges me in every essence of my being. I am by nature a low risk person, who analyzes everything. Not that that is a bad thing, but skeleton is something I would've never thought I'd end up doing. I embrace my flaws and learn to just let it fly. 

A quick thanks to the Westjet airport staff were more than accommodating for getting all my gear on the plane - they were in fact amazed at what I do! Sharing my passion with others is incredible, so thanks for brightening my day! The check in counter lady looked at my name, repeated it a couple times out loud, and said "I'll look for you in 2018."

Me too. 

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